Build Your Personal Brand

Elevate Your Real Estate Business With Personalized Marketing Solutions

Being a small business doesn't mean you have to do everything yourself.
We're here to help!

You need to Get. Stuff. Done!
We're here to help.

Running a small business means wearing a lot of hats—sales, accounting, HR, operations, marketing, customer service, janitor... and the list goes on.

I'm already tired!

Give yourself a break, and step up your marketing game at the same time by hiring 2B Clear Creative to help with your marketing efforts.

Rather than an out-of-the-box solution, you'll get help executing YOUR marketing ideas - with a little guidance from us.

No more "waiting until you have time" only to get a year down the road and realize you never got started.

Whether you want to do it all right now, or start small with one or two projects, we will create a plan (and budget) built just for you.

So what are you waiting for? Book a consultation today and start building your sales pipeline with help from 2B Clear Creative.



Close the sale.

It's at the heart of everything we do.

You may think of marketing as pretty pictures or funny social media posts. And sometimes we use those strategies. But it's so much more!

What you need, more than likes on Facebook, or your bestie telling you they like the images you created, is more customers. amiright??

We follow the Dan Kennedy Rules of Marketing that tell us to "always have a clear call to action" and that the purpose of marketing is not to put cool content out into the world. The purpose of marketing is to put more money in your pocket.

Using a method call "Conversion Copywriting" we are always leading your audience down the customer journey in some way. Whether we're asking them to join your mailing list, follow you on social media, or sign up for a webinar, the ultimate goal is to make them a loyal customer.

Who is
2B Clear Creative?

2B Clear Creative was founded by Katie McDonald after spending 25+ years in sales and marketing. Collectively, our team has worked in all sorts of industries from education, real estate, hospitality, and construction, just to name a few.

As a former elementary school teacher, Angela Chow knows how to make a topic memorable and interesting. With her quick sense of humor and endless knowledge of pop culture, your future customers will be begging you to take their money in no time!

Before becoming the multi-tasking, social media managing, coffee fueled, all-around amazing virtual assistant that she is now, Cassie Wright spent seven years as a teacher. And now we know how she manages to keep the balls in the air and the plates spinning all without breaking a sweat! 

No newsletter, website, or brochure is complete until it pulls you in visually and begs you to learn more. That’s why Shelby Miller rocks our world! Shelby is an incredibly talented graphic designer with over 10 years of experience. Not only will your marketing piece sound amazing—it will also be paired with stunning visual creativity unlike you've ever seen before. (No joke!!)

While every industry is different and has its own complexities, one thing remains constant. Building your business is all about making connections.


Through clear and personalized communication, infused with your personality, we will help you make more of those connections—growing your business (and having a whole lotta fun!) along the way!

Katie McDonald


Cassie Wright

Shelby Miller


Email Newsletters · Print Newsletters · Blog Articles · Websites

Email Newsletters

This is not that "sales" email you get that gets deleted without opening!

  • Not over-designed to look like an ad

  • Written like you would a personal email to a friend or colleague

  • Build relationships with personal stories

  • Share updates and new products with your audience

It's all about building that coveted "know, trust, and like" factor that will bring you more repeat customers and referrals.

Print Newsletters

The average person gets 130 emails a day, but they only get 4-6 pieces of physical mail. Print marketing is a little-used medium these days, and that means your competitors are probably NOT doing it!

Sweet! You’re not like everyone else and your marketing shouldn’t be either. This isn't Junior High! Stand out. Be different. DIFFERENT is GOOD!

A printed newsletter will stay on a desk or kitchen counter, putting eyeballs on YOUR business a whole bunch of times. (Tell me… how often do you go back and look at an email 2 days after you received it?)

Be different, do a print newsletter.

  • We’ll write engaging, relevant content that will educate and entertain your audience.

  • Your newsletter will be oozing with personality. YOUR PERSONALITY! Making readers feel like they know you!

  • Your newsletter will be beautifully designed, printed, prepared for the mail, and sent.

BONUS! To add even more value to your newsletter, we have a SUPER talented Graphic Designer on our team. Shelby Miller majored in graphic design at KU, and has over 10 years of experience! Not only will your print newsletter sound amazing --- it will also be paired with stunning visual creativity unlike you've ever seen before. (No joke!!)

Don't just take our word for it - click here to take a look at Shelby's exceptional work!

Blog Articles

You will be amazed by how much traffic you’ll get on your website just from having an expert written blog. It really brings things to the next level!

Our blog articles will…

  • Increase your online visibility

  • Drive traffic organically to your website

  • Increase SEO optimization

  • Provide a sense of loyalty to your customers

  • Well-researched blogs with carefully crafted copy will have you lookin’ like a pro!

  • Show off your company’s unique voice and style

It’s a win-win!


Your website is the face of your business. And it’s super-duper important.
You’ve gotta make it look and sound good, right? Of course!

Our website copy and content will…

  • Increase customer trust

  • Establish authority in your line of business

  • Build long-term revenue

  • Make you stand out from the competition

  • Improve your brand image

  • Show off everything great about your business!

Samples of our work.

work samples

work samples

Copy Writing · Website Content & Design · Blog Posts · E Newsletters
And so much more.

What others are saying…

I met Katie with 2B Clear Creative through a networking group. While talking to her about my business, she came up with several innovative ideas for me to streamline my email newsletter and suggested that I create a printed version that would target my referral sources. Remember that this was all before we were doing business together. But with that kind of out-of-the-box thinking and innovation, we are now! The price, quality, and responsiveness are more than expected, and I could not recommend them more…

Mike Deathe
K.I.S.S. Dog Training
Published Author & Public Speaker

I have been working with 2B Clear Creative for only 3 months but I've already seen amazing results! My clients are now in closer contact to me and I typically receive a few referrals every time a newsletter goes out! They capture my voice really well so that I only spend 5-10 minutes a week on what used to take me 2 hours. I look forward to growing my business with their help!

Jamie Weese
Founding Attorney
Weese Law Firm

Katie and the team at 2B Clear Creative are FANTASTIC!! They really got to know ME and learn my “voice”. I always get excited to see the content that they are putting out, because it sounds like something I would actually say.. but with way better words than I can come up with myself! They guide me through the process of what they need from me and when they need it… and then they do the magic! My business is booming this year with repeat and referral clients, and I know that part of the reason is the marketing campaign that 2B Clear has launched for me in 2023!!

Wendy Diskin
Residential real Estate Agent

How Does It Work?

Step 1

Let’s start with a chat! Book a consultation and tell us your hopes and dreams.

  • Where do you want to take your business? 

  • Who are your dream customers? Let’s get more of those!

  • What marketing have you already done that was successful? 

  • What didn't work?

Step 2

We'll create a customized proposal, with strategies that will help you attract those dream clients - while keeping your budget in mind.

Step 3

Your marketing plan takes shape. You get to focus on other parts of your business, while we focus on bringing you more customers.

Everything we create for you includes:

  • Market research so we are grabbing the attention of your ideal customer.

  • Two rounds of editing, to make sure we've captured your tone and voice before publishing.

  • Full SEO so you rank higher in Google more quickly.

  • Click-worthy headlines.

  • Fresh content ideas.

  • If you're running out of ideas, no worries! We stay in tune with your ideal customers so we can create copy/content that they want to read.

  • Ongoing strategy recommendations so we're always ahead of the game.